Therapy and coaching for you! In Stockholm or online.

Elinor Tekas, talktherapist, Lifespan, EMDR.

I help you with personal development, relationship problems, anxiety, depression, childhood or present trauma, anger and more. In addition to conversation therapy, I use proven methods such as EMDR, Lifespan and m-BIT coaching.


Psychotherapy-Counseling can be a healthy start to look at life patterns and challenges within yourself, in relationships, work and other areas of life.

The conversations also introduce conscious presence and self-knowledge as an approach to balance and well-being.


EMDR – Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

A comprehensive psychotherapy that contains elements of psychodynamic, experiential, cognitive, behavioral, somatic and system therapies.


Helps with relationship problems that often originate in early family relationships.

Builds up emotional insight-understanding for yourself without judgment.

m-BIT coaching

Gives you greater access to clarity and inner strength in your commitments personally and professionally.

Helps with increased interaction instead of: "The heart says one thing but the brain another, and the stomach feeling again something else"

Self Knowledge

To build up trust, loving kindness, and respect for oneself despite perhaps many outer and inner challenges can seem like a daunting task, especially if one hasn’t necessarily experienced those when growing up. Or, situations and circumstances in adult life has been so painful that one’s inner trust and safety has been lost on the way.

Therapy on your terms

The therapy develops between you and me with the goal of making it as meaningful as possible for you and what you want to work on.

Therapy in Stockholm

Samtalsterapi och coaching i Stockholm. Helt på dina egna villkor och du stannar så länge det känns givande. Jag har mottagning i Gamla Stan, Stortorget 3, 1tr, på mottagningen DinInsida, måndagar, onsdagar, fredagar.

Online therapy

I offer therapy online with video calls. Talk to me in your home environment. Online therapy is becoming more and more common and works much like visiting me. Open for booking on tuesdays.

In therapy, I use mindfulness - conscious presence

Research shows that conscious presence both prevents and reduces the risk of relapse in stress-related life patterns.

Elinor Tekas

Talktherapist, Lifespan, EMDR.

Treatment & Counseling

Professional psychological counseling, conversation therapy and psychotherapy in Stockholm and online.

Contact & Reception

Phone: +46-705-141 252

Mottagning: DinInsida, Stortorget 3, 1tr (Gamla Stan, 111 29 Stockholm