
Lifespan, a method founded by Peggy Pace (USA), is a processing method that supports the brain’s and body’s ability to heal itself.

It works on a neurological level with memory cues and a timeline, which the client writes down. Lifespan has the ability to change old behavioral patterns, clear traumatic life experiences that often has left the person feeling stuck in his/her life. It helps to:

  • build a stronger and more “solid” sense of self
  • regulate emotions
  • increase self-worth and self-confidence
  • reduce anxiety
  • increase insight into how uncomfortable feelings in the present can have their origins in the past.

Lack of care and loving attention in childhood can affect relations in the present. Lifespan helps undoing past unhealthy attachment patterns and supports the healing of attachment patterns that have been problematic or traumatic. Hence self-worth and self-confidence increase.

Lifespan works even if you have difficulties remembering your past. During the therapeutic process, a client who has memory laps, is often able to put puzzle pieces of memories together to a connected whole.

Lifespan Integration is based upon the latest research in neural plasticity and the brainbody’s ability to integrate and heal itself. If you want to know more please to go to

Elinor Tekas

Talktherapist, Lifespan, EMDR.

Treatment & Counseling

Professional psychological counseling, conversation therapy and psychotherapy in Stockholm and online.

Contact & Reception

Phone: +46-705-141 252

Mottagning: DinInsida, Stortorget 3, 1tr (Gamla Stan, 111 29 Stockholm