EMDR and trauma treatment

Traumatic experiences can either be real events or be a threat of potential events that can be traumatic. It is the perception of the event that decides whether an event is traumatic.

Examples are:

  • Violence or threats of violence
  • Sexual abuse and violence, i.e rape
  • Emotional abuse and/or abandonment by for example a caregiver
  • Physically and emotionally abusive relationships
  • Accidents, natural disasters car accidents

EMDR proposes that the mind body contains an adaptive information processing system that takes in and processes information. From birth we take in information from our caretakers and the world around us. This forms our sense of self - our personality - to a large extent.

Trauma affects both our body and our consciousness

The result of experiences such as these is often a sense of loss of control, manifesting in powerlessness and helplessness. If the traumatic experiences are on-going, such as in abusive relationships, it often leaves the person feeling as if walking on egg shells, with on-going anxiety, depression and lack of safety.

Our mind and body become focused on detecting, defending and protecting against potential threats. It becomes more difficult to experience a sense of normalcy in daily life, with relationships and work.

Traumatic experiences can create deep wounds in our psyche

There are ways to reduce the effect of these experiences. Talktherapy, mindfulness, EMDR are all methods for helping to process traumatic and challenging events. I will be glad to support you in this process.

Elinor Tekas

Talktherapist, Lifespan, EMDR.

Treatment & Counseling

Professional psychological counseling, conversation therapy and psychotherapy in Stockholm and online.

Contact & Reception

Phone: +46-705-141 252
Email: elinor.1239@gmail.com

Mottagning: DinInsida, Stortorget 3, 1tr (Gamla Stan, 111 29 Stockholm